Intersec Buenos Aires reaffirms its leadership as the largest showcase of the Fire, Security and Safety industry, demonstrating once again the importance of the security market in the region. Local and foreign companies presented the recent developments of this rapidly growing sector.
A total of 13,193 professionals and entrepreneurs (2014: 12,503) attended Intersec Buenos Aires. They came mainly from South America -Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Paraguay, Peru and Ecuador- and also from Panama, United States and Spain. There were as well visitors from other countries in Europe, Asia and Africa.
Regarding the exhibitors, 150 companies (2014: 129) from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Malaysia, United States, Spain, Turkey, Poland, Czech Republic and China offered their latest products and technical solutions.
In Argentina, sales in the electronic security segment increased by 250% over the last 10 years. According to the Argentine Chamber of Electronic Security (CASEL), one of the organizers of the trade fair, the industry provides more than 14,500 jobs with an annual turnover of US$755 million.
Other prominent sectors were Fire and Safety, and their exhibitors were very satisfied with the amount of visitors and potential new contacts.
The segment is largely composed by local SMEs who take advantage of the exposure that Intersec provides to expand their markets.
It’s estimated that US$62 billion was spent on physical security equipment in 2015 globally, with this figure set to reach nearly US$110 billion by 2020. Adding the rise of spending in cyber security, homeland security, fire protection, plus safety and health, it’s clear that this vast market will continue its strong growth for many years ahead
The opening ceremony was attended by Ms. Ruth Lorenz, Vice President Technology and Production, Messe Frankfurt Exhibition, who noted: “It’s estimated that US$62 billion was spent on physical security equipment in 2015 globally, with this figure set to reach nearly US$110 billion by 2020. Adding the rise of spending in cyber security, homeland security, fire protection, plus safety and health, it’s clear that this vast market will continue its strong growth for many years ahead”.
Mr. Fernando Gorbarán, President and CEO of Messe Frankfurt Argentina, remarked the positioning of Intersec as a global brand that is also present in the large and advanced market of Dubai and in 2017 in Saudi Arabia as well. Mr. Gorbarán also thanked the business chambers “for working together with Messe Frankfurt Argentina to organize the event” and highlighted the support that the trade fair received from more than fifty professional entities.
Mr. Fernando Gorbarán, remarked the positioning of Intersec as a global brand that is also present in the large and advanced market of Dubai and in 2017 in Saudi Arabia as well. Mr. Gorbarán also thanked the business chambers “for working together with Messe Frankfurt Argentina to organize the event” and highlighted the support that the trade fair received from more than fifty professional entities
Mr. Enrique Greenberg, President of CASEL, also participated in the official opening making special mention of “the work that CASEL has done to pass the Electronic Security Bill into national law”. The draft was presented during Intersec Buenos Aires and aims to "provide a regulatory framework for the sector, to support professional and technological growth, and to protect public safety”, Mr. Greenberg said.
Mr. Alberto Ruibal, President of the Argentine Chamber of Safety (CAS), celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Chamber and emphasized the importance of trade fairs to strengthen the domestic industry.
The opening ceremony was finished by the traditional ribbon cutting with the participation of Mr. Gerardo Milman, Secretary of Homeland Security; Mr. Javier Tizado, Undersecretary of Commerce and Ms. Nadina Sansolini, Vice President of Messe Frankfurt Argentina.
An Opportunity to Expand Businesses / Training and Meetings among Professionals
The Ninth International Matchmaking Program of Electronic, Industrial and Personal Security Products and Services was carried out alongside the main exhibition, and was jointly organized by Messe Frankfurt Argentina, the ProArgentina Program from the Foreign Trade Undersecretariat of the Ministry of Production, and the Exportar Division of the Investment and International Trade Agency of Argentina. More than 100 meetings with foreign buyers interested in Argentinian products and services were carried out during the Program.
During the Integral Safety Congress, CAS and CASEL presented an extensive program of workshops. Specialists shared their knowledge and experiences on topics such as risk and emergency management; ergonomics and personal protection elements; the presentation of the draft for the Electronic Security Bill; and safety seminars for municipalities.
Besides that exhibitors held more than 19 technical conferences and product demonstrations.
Another activity that caught the visitors’ attention was the “Third International Firefighters Meeting”, organized by the National Council of Firefighters of Argentina, and the “Fourth Challenge of Firefighter Skills", a competition that aims to promote proper training, healthy lifestyle and health care among emergency professionals. Fourteen delegations of volunteer firefighters from across the country attended the Challenge, while fire crews from all over Latin America participated in the "Copa OBA 10 Years" that celebrated the tenth anniversary of the Organization of American Firefighters (OBA).
Results and Experiences from the Protagonists
The exhibition’s results were very satisfactory for the participants.
Intersec Buenos Aires 2018, the International Trade Fair for Commercial and Information Security, Fire Protection and Safety, will take place on August 29 - 31 at La Rural Trade Center, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Further information: www.intersecbuenosaires.com.ar
Twitter: @Intersec_BA
Facebook: /IntersecBuenosAires
With eleven events, Messe Frankfurt is one of the world’s leading organisers of fairs and congresses for the expanding international field of civil security. These platforms provide optimum opportunities for gaining a foothold in dynamic growth markets all over the world. Presently Messe Frankfurt organises events in Germany, Asia, the Middle East, Russia, South America and East Africa.
Further information at www.security-safety.messefrankfurt.com
Event exclusively planned for businessman, users and professionals of the sector. People under 16 years even attending with an adult will not be admitted.
Background information on CASEL
CASEL, Cámara Argentina de Seguridad Electrónica (i.e.: the Argentinean Chamber of Electronic Security), is the chamber of the security product manufacturers, importers, assemblers and service providers.
For more information, please visit our website at: www.casel.org.ar
Background information on CAS
CAS, Cámara Argentina de Seguridad, (i.e.: the Argentinean Safety Chamber) is a nonprofit focused on promoting the partnering spirit among business people engaged in manufacturing and marketing items or providing services associated to life and goods protection.
For more information, please visit our website at: www.cas-seguridad.org.ar
Background information on Messe Frankfurt
Messe Frankfurt is one of the world’s leading trade fair organisers, generating around €645* million in sales and employing 2,297* people. The Messe Frankfurt Group has a global network of 29 subsidiaries and 57 international Sales Partners, allowing it to serve its customers on location in more than 160 countries. Messe Frankfurt events take place at more than 40 locations around the globe. In 2015, Messe Frankfurt organised a total of 132* trade fairs, of which more than half took place outside Germany.
Comprising an area of 592,127 square metres, Messe Frankfurt’s exhibition grounds are home to ten exhibition halls. The company also operates two congress centres. The historic Festhalle, one of the most popular venues in Germany, plays host to events of all kinds.Messe Frankfurt is publicly owned, with the City of Frankfurt holding 60 percent and the State of Hesse 40 percent.
For more information, please visit our website at www.messefrankfurt.com
* preliminary numbers (2015)
Background information on Messe Frankfurt Argentina
Messe Frankfurt Argentina is the affiliate of the worldwide trade fair organization leader. The purpose of the fairs is to promote actual business meetings to boost activity in regional markets, in the domestic market and in turn prompt the development of the technological pole in each area. The current portfolio of shows of Messe Frankfurt Argentina includes the following exhibitions: Automechanika Buenos Aires, BIEL Light + Building, Confemaq, Emitex, ExpoCehap, ExpoFerretera, ExpoMant, Intersec Buenos Aires, Seguriexpo Buenos Aires, Simatex, Tecno Fidta. In addition to numerous congresses and special events for third party, such as Argentina Oil & Gas Expo and Feria COAS de las Naciones, among others.
For more information, please visit our website at www.argentina.messefrankfurt.com
- download the press release here (pdf, 296 KB)